Son Your Mother And I Would Like A Word
‘Son, your mother and I would like a word…’
Half The Vowels Are Missing
‘Half the vowels are missing…’
Hello Again
‘Hello again...’
Say Aaaaaargh
‘Say, “Aaaaaargh!”’
Surely You Havent Given Up Writing Your Memoirs Already
‘Surely you haven’t given up writing your memoirs already?’
Storks Went Out Ages Ago
‘Storks went out ages ago.’
Dont Im Wearingthe Same Outfit
‘Don’t. I’m wearing the same outfit.’
‘Have you tried greed?’
What Will We Do If Its Not A Disaster
‘What will we do if it’s not a disaster?’
When Global Warming Hits Narnia Is All Yours
‘When global warming hits, Narnia is all yours.’
We Understand That Nanny And Babyare Doing Fine
‘We understand that nanny and baby are doing fine.’