Steerpike Steerpike

Flashback: six badly-aged reactions to Sturgeon’s resignation


Cast your minds back, to a simpler time. It was many moons ago in, er, February of this year, back when the blessed Nicola resigned as First Minister of Scotland. Back then, she was hailed by self-regarding sensibles across the land: a decent, rational progressive who got Covid right (even though England and Scotland’s death rates were near-identical).

Sturgeon was the LGBT ally brought down over trans rights; the well-meaning liberal who led a better class of government than wicked Boris Johnson and his bunch of venal Tories. Below are six badly-aged reactions to Sturgeon’s resignation which best capture that long-forgotten time in British politics…

Ian Blackford – SNP MP and former Westminster leader

Nicola Sturgeon is the finest First Minster Scotland has ever had, and the finest friend anyone could hope for. When Scotland wins independence, she will have been its architect and builder. She has laid the foundations we all now stand on.

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Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike

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