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What journalists don’t understand about being an MP

At the end of the last Parliament, I was the only MP who had previously been in the Lobby – the elite cartel of political journalists, who rejoice in having a parliamentary pass (I was once the chief political correspondent of the Times). I used to be in the Press Gallery looking down at the

Tory leadership race latest: what’s going on?

14 min listen

The Conservatives need to choose a new leader, but first they need to agree on the process… Easier said than done. Lucy Dunn talks to Fraser Nelson and Katy Balls about the latest on the upcoming leadership race: what will the race look like, who are the the runners and riders, and how do they

Katy Balls

Two-child benefit cap row – Starmer’s first big test?

13 min listen

Keir Starmer is coming under pressure to commit to scrapping the two-child benefit cap, introduced in 2017 by the Conservatives. Plaid Cymru, the Greens, Nigel Farage, the SNP, and now some Labour backbenchers are all calling for its removal. Can Starmer hold the line? Elsewhere: in Wales, First Minister Vaughan Gething has resigned after four

Losing my seat is a painful part of democracy

As excitable new MPs are escorted around comfy offices in Portcullis House, we ‘departing members’, as we’re known, are guided around small, unglamorous rooms in Richmond House, the scruffier Westminster neighbour, to be told about the winding-up period. I’m the only Labour MP here. I hug one of my favourite Tories and swap loser anecdotes

Katy Balls

Coffee House Shots live: election aftermath

59 min listen

Join Fraser Nelson, Katy Balls and Kate Andrews, along with special guest Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, for a live edition of Coffee House Shots recorded earlier this week. A week on from Sir Jacob losing his seat, he declares ‘I can speak freely now’. So, why does he think the Conservatives lost the election? The team

Keir’s reformation: Labour’s radical plans

50 min listen

This week: Keir’s reformation. A week on from Labour’s victory in the UK general election, our cover piece looks ahead to the urgent issues facing Keir Starmer. If he acts fast, he can take advantage of having both a large majority and a unified party. The NHS, prisons, planning… the list goes on. But what

Labour’s landslide is a triumph for Britain’s Sikhs

For years, there have been very few Sikhs – who make up around one per cent of the population of England and Wales – in the Commons. Labour’s landslide victory has changed that. Among the hundreds of new MPs are a dozen Sikh heritage MPs: more than there’s ever been in parliament’s history. There’s some

James Kirkup

David Cameron has quit. Is anyone surprised?

The Conservative party is in disarray. What the party does next matters for the whole of Britain and maybe even for all of liberal democracy. For the British centre-Right to follow its American and French counterparts into nativist populism would be a shift of global and historical significance. Such serious times call for serious people. So, naturally, David