Yeah Theres Nothing Worse Than The Terrible Twos Except The Troublesome Threes Frightful Fours Frustrating Fives Shocking Sixes Severe Sevens Exasperating Eights Nasty Nines Traum

The Spectator

From magazine issue:

Yeah Theres Nothing Worse Than The Terrible Twos Except The Troublesome Threes Frightful Fours Frustrating Fives Shocking Sixes Severe Sevens Exasperating Eights Nasty Nines Traum
Yeah, there’s nothing worse than the terrible twos ... except the troublesome threes, frightful fours, frustrating fives, shocking sixes, severe sevens, exasperating eights, nasty nines, traumatic tens, enraging elevens, tyrannical twelves ... and teenagers.’