
Bridge | 15 February 2025

The World Bridge Tour had its first event of the year in combination with the wonderful Bridge Festival in Reykjavik. Only team Black, of the four British teams, made the play-offs, eventually finishing fourth, while the event was won by the American McAllister team with – who else – the Rimstedt twins on it. I

Bridge | 8 February 2025

I wish I’d been at the teams event held last week by the World Bridge Tour in Reykjavik. The sights, I’m told, were amazing. No, not the snow-capped mountains or hot springs. I mean the famous faces at every table – Bas Drijver, Michal Klukowski, Boye Brogeland, Sabine Auken, the Rimstedt twins…it was a bridge

Bridge | 1 February 2025

The English Ladies Team is one of the best in the world, winning numerous world and European titles. For the past 20 years, there has been a core group of extremely good, experienced players who continued to do brilliantly on the world stage. But for the somewhat lesser tournaments, most of the leading professionals are

Bridge | 18 January 2025

I am not trying to corner the market in very boring bridge columns but I am going to give you another hand which is all about suit combinations. My regular reader may recall that I wrote about this very subject a fortnight ago, never expecting another informative hand to come up on a similar theme.

Bridge | 11 January 2025

It’s the last hurrah of the bridge year: the London Year End Congress, which I never miss (although my husband thinks it sounds like a Communist party convention). What better way to spend the days between Christmas and the new year, when most of us feel slothful from over-indulgence, than in the adrenalin-fuelled atmosphere of

Bridge | 4 January 2025

I hope you had a better (bridge) Christmas than I did. I didn’t play or watch a single hand. But I did do some long-avoided work on suit combinations – the equivalent in boredom of going to the gym. The ping of my phone alerted me to a new email but any distraction would have

Bridge | 14 December 2024

Last year, my new year’s resolution was to make fewer careless mistakes at the bridge table. Easier, surely, than cutting down on chocolate. Alas, not: I’ve spent as much time as ever banging my head in frustration. So I’m making a different resolution this year: I’m going to embrace my careless mistakes. After all, even

Bridge | 7 December 2024

I have just discovered a new (to me) podcast called Sorry, Partner hosted by Catherine Harris and Jocelyn Startz, two American enthusiasts, who interview top bridge players for their blog. I found it when I googled Portuguese international star Antonio Palma. Among many other things, I found out that he plays in at least one

Bridge | 30 November 2024

Belated congratulations to Simon Gillis and his team, who recently won the Gold Cup for the third time. Simon always invites his gang of bridge superstars (and good friends) to big tournaments; they bring a dose of glamour and a distinctly Scandinavian flavour to his team. Admittedly, one, Zia Mahmood, couldn’t look less Nordic if

Bridge | 23 November 2024

There can’t be a bridge tournament much more enjoyable than the one we have just played in Madeira. It starts with three days of Pairs (292 pairs registered) followed by three days of Teams (129). My teammates Thor Erik Hoftaniska and Christian Bakke came second in the Pairs but more was to come. We played

Bridge | 16 November 2024

I enjoyed playing in the Surrey Mixed Pairs with my friend Guy Hart last Sunday. It was a friendly event, and Guy, with his frequent witty quips, makes me laugh more than anyone. We played pretty well (not too many mistakes), so I must admit we were disappointed with our below par result. The thing

Bridge | 9 November 2024

The only end play I have ever understood is the throw in. I know when to use it. I know how to use it. And I can see it quite early in the play. But that’s it. I still don’t know how to spot (never mind execute) a squeeze, despite being told 100 times to

Bridge | 2 November 2024

The World Bridge Games are taking place in Buenos Aires and I’m glued to my screen, kibitzing and checking the results at every opportunity. The superstars are out in force, and it’s riveting to compare the way they approach the same hands – and a great way to learn. That said, you’ll see certain bids

Bridge | 26 October 2024

Super star Juniors are springing up everywhere, living, breathing and playing bridge. Nicolai (The Kid) Heiberg-Evenstad (16) from Norway and Christian Lahrmann (21) from Denmark are both already professional bridge players and are crazy talented both in the bidding and the play. One of the finest card players of the ‘new’ generation is England’s Ben

Bridge | 19 October 2024

Being a bridge pro is a dream job – I mean, how many people get to make a living playing a game they love? My friend Ollie Burgess is one of the best pros in London; he’s in constant demand, and deservedly so. He really enjoys playing with clients, especially those who have an aptitude

Bridge | 12 October 2024

The Metropolitan Cup, played on RealBridge in mid-September, was won by the Sussex A team. The following hand, played by Stephen Kennedy, contained a number of interesting points. Creating an entry to partner’s hand sometimes takes creativity and imagination. It’s usually easy on a piece of paper and when it’s pointed out to us, but

Bridge | 28 September 2024

One of the greatest areas of misunderstanding is doubling. Is it penalty? Is it take out? Is it negative? Recently I heard about a pair who were playing exclusion blackwood (or at least one of them was) and ended up playing 5♣ (undoubled) in a 0-0 fit. True story.  You need trumps to double a

Bridge | 21 September 2024

Have you ever made a bid based on the assumption that your partner has forgotten your system? It’s not as unreasonable as it might sound. Everyone forgets bits of their system now and again, and if a bid doesn’t make sense to you, that could well be why. Even so, it’s an uncomfortable dilemma: whether

Bridge | 14 September 2024

When is the Premier League not the Premier League? Well, when you have played so badly that you get booted out of the first division into the second and have to come in the top two to qualify for promotion back. Fortunately the first weekend (of three) went well for us but it’s no walk

Bridge | 7 September 2024

The famous exchange between Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Gregory of Scotland Yard in Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story ‘The Adventure of Silver Blaze’ will resonate with all good bridge players. Gregory: ‘Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?’ Holmes: ‘To the curious incident of the dog in the