Ben elliot

English civil law has become a luxury good beyond the reach of most of us

In March 2020, Charlotte Leslie, a former Conservative MP, and widely regarded as a thoughtful, friendly woman, had her life turned upside down. The threat of professional and financial ruin hit her, and stayed with her until a few months ago, solely because she had offended a wealthy man. Leslie was the director of the Conservative Middle East Council. Mohamed Amersi, a businessman worth hundreds of millions of pounds, appeared from nowhere and announced that he wanted to become the council’s chairman. Leslie politely showed him the door. The next thing she knew, Amersi had set up a rival Middle East organisation to liaise between the Conservative party and the

Will war ruin Tory party chair’s firm?

As the Prime Minister and his government urge caution to companies over Russian engagement, will party figures be considering their own business affairs? With CCHQ coming under pressure over Russian donations in the past, Mr S couldn’t help but recall that Ben Elliot’s Quintessentially firm has a long history with Russia and high net worth individuals. The company – which has received more than £1 million in UK government contracts – makes much of its elite services on its website, boasting about how ‘our dedicated lifestyle managers make the impossible possible with access to private and exclusive cultural experiences, regularly making members’ dreams become reality.’ The group’s Moscow office claims