Game of thrones

Dave does not play the Game of Thrones

Plots, summary executions, sex scandals, leaks and treachery. No, not the last few weeks for the Prime Minister, but rather your average episode of HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones. When asked at a charity reception that clashed with the series finale last night, whether he kept a close eye on it all, young Dave said ‘No, but I understand it’s getting brutal.’ Game of Thrones, that is, not the mood on the Tory backbenches. ‘Fair enough really, it’s a lot to commit to every week’ my source replied. Perhaps if Dave could give up on his addiction to iPhone games and dark Danish TV boxsets, he might pick up

The life of a former ABC

Steerpike is back in this week’s magazine. As ever, here is your preview: ‘”A Cambridge student reports this snippet from a Sainsbury’s checkout. ‘Is that a Lord of the Rings pendant?’ asked a white-haired shopper, pointing to an ornament dangling from the student’s neck. ‘Yes, it’s a replica of the One Ring,’ replied the student. ‘Ah’ said his inquisitor. ‘I thought so. I’m more of a Game of Thrones man myself.’ The white-haired shopper? Rowan Williams.” Subscribers, you can read the rest of the column here. Non-subscribers, you can join us today for as little as £1 an issue.