That bloody cat!
'That bloody cat! I swear it’s trying to kill me.'
'That bloody cat! I swear it’s trying to kill me.'
‘He’ll be furious when he comes round — he’s very much against wearing a mask.’
‘I can’t see this setting on the care label anywhere.’
‘I wish you’d stop moaning — I planted another tree, didn’t I?’
‘Lockdown hasn’t been all bad — it’s made me focus on what I really want out of life.’
‘You never said anything about it being a formal affair.’
‘And the prince and princess lived happily ever after? I know it’s a fairy tale, but that’s just pushing it too far.’
‘On the other hand, it’s a marvellous example of successful rewilding.’
‘You twisted psycho! You’re going to starve me to death.’
‘I said just look as if you are pushing it over.’
‘His mood improved when he found out how much the economic crisis will disproportionately affect the young.’
‘Gotta dash — there’s a Zoom meeting at 2 p.m. that I need to interrupt.’
‘I think they’re called “bags for life” because they stay with us for ever.’
‘Children! No phones on the table!’
Recession social distancing
‘You’re reading too much into it, Professor Freud. All it means is that your couch is too big for the doorway.’
‘Why the urgent phone call? So what if the kids have built a fort? All kids build forts.’
‘You’ve bought me a pair of stilettos. I love them!’
‘Let me through! I have an app for that.’