Michael Crick

Michael Crick is the political correspondent at Mail Plus and a former founding member of Channel 4 News.

The BBC has lost touch with real diversity

The BBC has announced plans to invest £100 million pounds in ‘diversity’ for its television output. Bravo. I’m a great believer in diversity. A thriving, vibrant democracy needs as much diversity as possible in public discourse – a plurality of voices, of outlook and of background.  But I suspect that the BBC is thinking of

A billionaire at bay

In the late 1990s it began to look as if the media were gunning for millionaire Tories in alphabetical order. First Jonathan Aitken, a joint target of Granada and the Guardian. Then Jeffrey Archer, jailed after a sting operation by the News of the World. Next in line seemed to be the mysterious Michael Ashcroft,

Football’s Alastair Campbell

Michael Crick says that Manchester United’s Sir Alex Ferguson is not a crook, but he is a liar and a bully If he’d dithered for another day or two last winter, then Sir Alex would now be relaxing somewhere off the Azores or Madagascar, starting his retirement with the world cruise he’s always promised Cathy,