Rod Liddle Rod Liddle

When Brexit is done, this is the party to vote for

We may still be small, but we have better speakers at our conferences than the major parties. At the Social Democratic party AGM on Saturday in Leeds we heard from, among others, Brendan O’Neill, Ben Cobley, Mo Lovatt, our leader William Clouston and the excellent Patrick O’Flynn. And me obvs, with the usual tirade of bile ((co) Emily Maitlis).

Attendance for the AGM tripled on last year. We will be the focus on campuses for anti-woke students, the party of freedom of speech and we will continue to be the only party which wishes to reduce immigration, disavows all this gender fluidity nonsense and fights against identity politics and in support of faith, flag and family.

We have been eclipsed by Brexit (aside from the Brexit party we’re the only party committed to a full and untrammelled Brexit) and have no wish in the short term to stand in the way of Nigel Farage and his somewhat diverse, politically, acolytes.

For those of you who, when Brexit is done and dusted one way or another, are looking for a socially conservative party which cares about economic inequality and the nation state, we have a home for you. Anyway, just thought you’d like to know.


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