Puzzles & games


Bridge | 06 March 2021

This is a great time to be a young bridge player. When I took up the game in my twenties, it was decidedly uncool. It was poker’s fuddy-duddy older cousin. But, these days, tournaments are packed with glamorous youngsters having the time of their lives —none more so than the junior squads travelling the world


Play from home

Is working from home the future of a productive society, or a fleeting aberration? Nobody knows yet, but a significant minority (at the very least) have found it viable, and even desirable. The shift in perception creates possibilities that weren’t there before. Similarly, chess organisers are discovering a strong appetite for ‘play from home’ events,

Chess puzzle

No. 643

White to play. Garcia Ramos–Maurizzi, -Barcelona 2021. Black has just played Kg8-h7, to attack White’s queen by unpinning the knight on e6. Choose between 1 Qd5, 1 Qe3 and 1 Bxe6. Which do you prefer? Answers should be emailed to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 8 March. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct


Spectator competition winners: the hell of a foreign holiday

In Competition No. 3188, a challenge designed to make us all feel better about the looming prospect of another enforced staycation, you were invited to submit a postcard from a friend on holiday abroad that makes you relieved you aren’t there. Whenever I find myself dreaming of a trip to see the Northern Lights, I


2496: Depart Paddington

Clockwise round the grid from 3 run seven dramatis personae; unclued lights give anagrams of two more. The play’s title will appear in the completed grid and must be shaded. Ignore two apostrophes. Across 8 Dauntless bishop stops teen dude dressing up (10) 9 Troy fell in this manner (4) 10 Bury takes on Italian

Crossword solution

2493: Opposites – solution

‘I WANT TO BE ALONE’ (1A) and ‘COME UP AND SEE ME SOMETIME’ (49/27) were supposedly said by Greta GARBO (17A) and Mae WEST (45) respectively. Garbo was born in STOCKHOLM (13) and West died in LOS ANGELES (10/29). Garbo starred in MATA HARI (23/38) and West in I’M NO ANGEL (19). GARBO and WEST