Puzzles & games


Bridge | 25 March 2023

Maybe I’m wrong but I can’t think of another sport, Mind or otherwise, where you can play against world champions as soon as you have learned the basics. The American Nationals are probably the best events for superstar watching and there are always a few players in the bar happy to chat and encourage newbies.


Redrawing the map

In the world of chess politics, the map has been redrawn. Russia is now officially in Asia, and no longer in Europe. The move was formalised at the end of February, when the Asian Chess Federation voted to admit the Russian Chess Federation by an overwhelming margin. Russia’s pivot to Asia was in the pipeline for

Chess puzzle

No. 744

Black to play. Kobalia-Shevchenko, Serbia 2023. How did Black respond strongly to the attack on his queen? Answers should be emailed to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 27 March. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a postal address and allow six weeks for prize delivery. Last



2597: A couple

Five unclued lights are connected with one partner, four with the other. Another links both. Across 1    Nervous about yarn being threadbare (6)11    She intervenes, announcing press deceptions (9)12    Currency heretic returns (5)14    Saviour’s foul-up: I take fright, losing head (9)16    Switch middle of tracks for competitions (6)21    ‘Estimates’ (6)22    Joins college team with backing

Crossword solution

2594: Dotty + Nosey – solution

The second half of Résumé (ODQ, 8th edition), by Dorothy (‘Dotty’) Parker (‘Nosey’), reads: ‘Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.’ First prize Peter Berridge, Spalding, Lincolnshire Runners-up Liz Knights, Walton Highway, Cambs; Peter King, Oxford