Puzzles & games


Bridge | 25 October 2018

Vytas and Erikas Vainikonis, father and son bridge enthusiasts, are the generous hosts of one of the best five days of championship-level bridge in the calendar. Held in Vilnius (capital of Lithuania for my fellow geography dunces), it starts with 12 invited teams competing for the highly prestigious Vilnius Cup and follows on with the



The recently concluded European Club Cup, held at Porto Carras in Greece, resembled late medieval Italian warfare — populated by armies of mercenaries who seemed to have no allegiance to the geographical area of the clubs they were representing. Thus the British grandmaster David Howell was on the same Norwegian team as the world champion


Accentuate the negative | 25 October 2018

In Competition No. 3071 you were invited to supply a demotivational poem.   This was your opportunity to come up with a bracing antidote to the world-view peddled by an eye-wateringly lucrative self-help industry that feeds on a mix of insecurity and the aspirational narcissism du jour.   You came at the challenge from various


2382: A pointed remark

Three unclued lights make up a nine-word quotation. Remaining unclued lights are of a kind.   Across 1    Norway blocking the euro perhaps till now (8) 8    Excuse one departing French city (4) 12    Bill the Spanish for Jew’s harp? (5) 14    Break dance, say, to get going again (7) 17    Hospital’s moved organ in

Crossword solution

to 2379: Shocking

The word is ‘pink’. Definitions of the eight headwords are: CARNATION (9), STAB (43), CHAFFINCH (22D), SMALL SAILING SHIP (41/1A/13), YELLOW LAKE PIGMENT (11/45/14), BLINK (40), SMALL (41) and SAMLET (8). PINK (in the eighth column) was to be shaded.   First prize Mrs C.J. Stekly, Guernsey Runners-up Philip Dacre, York; Nick Hussey, Overton, Hants


no. 529

Black to play. This position is from Carlsen-Ding Liren, Porto Carras 2018. Black tried 1 … Nxg4 here but Carlsen eventually held on for a draw. What would have been a better way to try for an advantage? Answers to me at The Spectator by Tuesday 30 October or via email to victoria@spectator.co.uk. There is