Puzzles & games


Bridge | 26 June 2014

I’m not trying to pretend it will make up for the drubbing England took in the World Cup, but if you want to feel a bit better about our sportsmen and women I suggest you log on to BBO to watch the 52nd European Team Championships in Opatija, Croatia. All three of our teams, Open,



Chess, unlike football, appears to confer little or no home advantage. In a recent article for Kensington & Chelsea Today, my esteemed colleague Barry Martin, who enjoys more space than any other chess columnist in the UK, and possibly even the world, inveighed against the psychological pressures which seem to afflict great players operating on


Ground work

In Competition No. 2853 you were asked to incorporate the following words (they are real geological terms) into a piece of plausible and entertaining prose so that they acquire a new meaning in the context of your narrative: Corallian, Permian, Lias, Kimmeridge, Oolite, Cornbrash, Ampthill. The inspiration for this comp came from a bit in


2168: History exam

Each of twenty-two clues contains a superfluous word. Initial letters of these words spell three specimens of 5; these are represented respectively by 43, 40 and 27 18 in the 13 26D of a person whose surname is an unclued light. Remaining unclued lights combine to form the name by which the 26D is known.

Crossword solution

to 2165: Not far off

According to Fred HOYLE (24), SPACE is ‘only an hour’s drive away if your car could go straight upwards’ (10 13 37 and extra letters in clues). Cars fulfilling this condition are at 5, 6, 16, 21 and 33.   First prize Caroline Arms, Annapolis, MD, USA Runners-up Barry Roe, Wigston, Leicester; B. Taylor, Little


No. 320

White to play. This position is a variation from Mamedov-Carlsen, World Blitz 2014. Here White played 1 hxg5 and Carlsen went on to win when White overlooked a tactic on the kingside. This wasn’t the only tactic White overlooked as he missed something  here too. What should he have played? Answers to me at The