The Edition

Crash course: how the Truss revolution came off the road

37 min listen

On this week’s podcast: 

As Liz Truss returns from Conservative Party Conference with her wings clipped, has she failed in her revolutionary aims for the party?

James Forsyth discusses this in the cover piece for The Spectator, and is joined by former cabinet minister and New Labour architect Peter Mandelson to discuss (01:08).

Also this week: 

Is it time that the West got tough with Putin?

Mark Galeotti writes in this week’s magazine about the likely scenarios should Putin make good on his thermonuclear threats. He is joined by Elisabeth Braw, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, to consider how the West should respond (13:14).

And finally:

Anthony Whitehead writes about the ‘arrogance’ of the Tyre Extinguisher movement in The Spectator this week, a new environmental activist organisation letting down the tyres on SUVs all around the world. He speaks to Tusk, one such ‘extinguisher’ about the motivations and aims of these activists (25:07). 

Hosted by Lara Prendergast and William Moore. 

Produced by Oscar Edmondson.


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