Andrew Adonis

Andrew Adonis was Downing Street policy adviser and later education minister under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, 1998-2008.

The case for state boarding schools

My philosophy of education has always been simple and I believe it unites right and left: namely, what wise parents would wish for their child, so the community should wish for all children. It’s a paraphrase of R.H. Tawney, who — being a socialist — said ‘state’ rather than ‘community’. I much prefer ‘community’ since

Lord Adonis’s resignation letter – full text

Andrew Adonis, the former Labour Transport Secretary and newly non-affiliated peer, has quit as the government’s infrastructure tsar, slamming the Prime Minister’s Brexit direction in the process. Here’s the full text: Dear Prime Minister, The hardest thing in politics is to bring about lasting change for the better, and I believe in co-operation across parties

Three lessons for Mr Gove, by Andrew Adonis

The Spectator’s Schools Revolution conference is being held on Tuesday next week. One of the special guest speakers, Lord Adonis, here gives the present government three lessons gained from his experience of the academies programme. Other speakers include Michael Gove, Michelle Rhee and Barbara Bergstrom, all of whom will take questions from the floor. There

Let’s move the Lords to Manchester

Andrew Adonis, one of the policy brains of the Blair government and now seated in the House of Lords, has a letter in tomorrow’s edition of the Spectator responding to Neil O’Brien’s cover article of last week. In it, Adonis suggests one way that the political class could help purge the Londonitis from its collective