Charlotte Eagar

Charlotte Eagar is producer of the Trojan Women Project (

Charlotte Eagar, Lionel Shriver and Tom Ough

19 min listen

This week we’ll hear Charlotte Eagar on how the arrival of the alpha migrants may be the solution to our labour shortage (00:56), Lionel Shriver on her bewilderment about people still having the Covid app (07:09) and finally Tom Ough’s brief history of bidets (15:40).

Turning the tide: how to deal with Britain’s new migrant crisis

40 min listen

Is there a humane solution to Britain’s migrant crisis?(00:52) Also on the podcast: Why is the WHO so down on e-cigarettes?(16:23) and finally… after a year and a half inside how angry will strangers make us?(27:01) With Douglas Murray; award winning film maker and producer for the Trojan Women project Charlotte Eagar; Christopher Snowdon; Clive