It was affecting their mental health
‘It was affecting their mental health, so I’ve had to rewrite history.’

‘It was affecting their mental health, so I’ve had to rewrite history.’
‘It was a compromise to get him back in the office.’
‘Can I go back to doom-scrolling, Mum?’
‘My corridor is always open.’
‘If Labour ring, tell them we’re out.’
‘He’s fallen in with a bad crowd.’
‘I can’t see Rachel Reeves lasting long.’
‘I’m worried about him. He has imaginary listeners.’
‘These spin-offs are never so good.’
‘How did students find the time to enjoy the university experience without AI?’
‘This is our forever home, so his bedroom is big enough for a 35-year-old.’
‘We’re enjoying our carefree lives now before we have grandchildren.’
‘Having looked through your Instagram, I feel I’ve known you for ages.’
‘Definitely not. Property prices, the prisons, water rates – it gives me anxiety.’
‘Jason is a writer, too. He has an ebook available for instant download to his followers.’
‘Since we moved into wellness, I feel great.’
‘... and remember – no biscuits, no sweets or anything gender specific.’
‘You’re podcasting in your sleep again.’
‘He’s interested in creative writing, so he’s going to take a course in AI.’