Pooja Bhalla

Pooja Bhalla is a sixth-form student. She lives in Hounslow, west London

Predicting a riot in Hounslow almost caused one

The police were getting ready for far-right demonstrations in 100 locations, we were told. Hounslow, a west London suburb, has a decent mix of Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Sikhs but we have never had any serious race relations trouble. This changed at 3 p.m when Hounslow’s high street became a ghost town. Panicked police officers

Why so many teenagers support Palestine

I’m a sixth-former in one of Britain’s largest comprehensives and know no one who supports Israel over Palestine. Some readers might find that shocking. Consider, though, how my generation gets its news. TikTok is today by far the no. 1 source of news for teenagers; YouTube is next, Instagram third. Studies show the average teen spends