Puzzles & games


Bridge | 29 November 2012

Ever heard of the ‘gum-wrapper coup’? My guess is not — as far as I’m aware, only one person has ever pulled it off, and that was about 80 years ago. I came across it while reading a book about the ‘father of contract bridge’, Ely Culbertson. Ely was a brilliant player but chronically impatient.


London Classic

To celebrate the London Classic, which starts at Olympia this Saturday, I shall be paying a series of homages to illuminati of the game who have achieved great things in London. I kick off with Howard Staunton, who won the equivalent of World Championship matches against the German masters Harrwitz and Horwitz in London and


Remaking history

In Competition No. 2774 you were invited to supply an extract from the diary of a well-known historical figure that startlingly reverses received ideas about history and the person in question.   John Samson outs Oliver Cromwell as a closet Cavalier in love with all things Irish, while Steve Baldock’s extract from the diary of


2091: Plain and simple

The unclued Down lights are of a kind, as are the unclued Across ones.   Across 1 Accent reflecting everything at the start of this month (7) 6 Harp, maybe — as a liqueur (7) 11 Iranian city providing a graduate with honorary title (6) 12 In building, this edge puts out joiner (7) 14

Crossword solution

2088: Pathe seat | 29 November 2012

The unclued lights (including the pair at 3/34) are all buried in Père Lachaise (when translated may give ‘PA THE SEAT’) cemetery in Paris. First prize Heather Kingham, Barnay, France Runners-up Roderick Rhodes, Goldsborough, N. Yorks; Olivia Ramage, Horfield, Bristol


No. 246

White to play. This position is from Anderssen-Kieseritzky, Simpson’s in the Strand, London 1851. It is known in chess literature as ‘The Immortal Game’. Can you spot White’s immortal finish? Answers to me at The Spectator by Tuesday 4 December or via email to victoria@spectator.co.uk or by fax on 020 7681 3773. The winner will