Puzzles & games


Bridge | 20 May 2023

In the real world many more contracts are made because the defence slipped up than because declarer did something brilliant. It is of course important to learn to communicate in defence, but we also need to learn to take charge and lead the way when the right path is clearly shown to us. When spotting


Four Nations Chess League

The Four Nations Chess League (4NCL) season concluded last month in a resounding victory for Chess.com Manx Liberty. The team from the Isle of Man won all eleven matches, thanks to narrow 4.5-3.5 victories against both of their closest rivals, Chessable White Rose 1 and Cheddleton. On the final weekend, the Manx squad was boosted

Chess puzzle

No. 752

White to play. Shirov-Wedberg, Lundin Memorial, Stockholm 1990. Black has just played Rh6-h5, attacking the e5 pawn, but Shirov found a powerful response. What did he play? Answers should be emailed to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 22 May. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a



2605: Way to go!

Eight unclued lights can be followed by the same word. Their unchecked letters can be arranged to spell out ‘QUALIFY A REVUE’. Across 1    President cut short time in bathroom facility (5) 4    Order pie and mash with south-eastern accent (9) 10    Tired rut at sports ground (10) 11    Manual exercises for old girl (6)

Crossword solution

2602: Rolling Stones – solution

1D / 25D is a quote by 1A. Remaining unclued lights were all anagrams of gemstones: 15A sapphire; 16A ruby; 13D tiger’s eye; 14D garnet; 15D lapis; 23D moonstone. First prize Ann Moore, Lowestoft, Suffolk Runners-up Margaret Almond, Southampton; Neville Twickel, Tidmington, Warwickshire